
Snow In My Shoe, Broken Shovels, And How Much I Love Snow

I love snow. Really, I do. I love it more now that I don't work, but still- I love snow.

I woke up yesterday morning to see that they had canceled school (woohoo!), and we spent the day inside, enjoying each other's company (which we probably would have enjoyed a lot more, had the boys not been sick all weekend and stuck inside). We watched the snow blow, and Cody and I laughed when we realized that we couldn't open our front door.

This morning- no more snow, but all the snow from yesterday's blizzard was still there. No school again, but at least we'll be able to get outside today (yay- no more cabin fever!).

I sent Mike to the store (hey- if you drink the last can of pop, you better replace it), and he had to dig his car out. I stood there and watched (I consider it my wifely duty to 'supervise' (read: tease the heck out of him)). I threw a snowball at him, and before he could throw one back at me, I ran.

I ran directly into a drift that came up almost to my knees (no joke). I had snow in my boot (not a comfortable feeling). Mike missed, so I suppose the snow in my boot is worth it, but still- there's snow in my shoe.

Shortly after that, the shovel broke. There was just too much snow for our shovel, and it died in protest. Mike is going to buy another one while he's out.

I took Rosie out this morning, and lost her in a snow drift. Normally, she loves snow. If it's warm enough (she doesn't like cold), she'll play in the snow. I figured that she'd be out there, playing her little heart out today. But, nope. She tried to play, but once it was over her head, she stuck to where the wind had blown the snow almost all the way to the grass.