
Documenting A Week In My Life: Saturday

I started this project that Ali Edwards posted on her blog (check it out here). It just sounds like a really cool idea. I decided to start today, because if I wait until Monday, it will never get done. Not to mention, this is a good week for me- lots of going and doing, so my life won't look like all I ever do is sit on my computer and eat.

So- here's the pared down version of today's pictures.

My morning coffee. I really like how this picture turned out, with the out of focus candles in the background. I'm using an actual ceramic coffee cup today- something unusual, because I'm usually getting up and going in the morning so I put my morning coffee in the Casey's Classic Coffee travel mug. Coffee is flavored with International Delight's Pumpkin Pie Spice cream (which, I'm told, does not compare to Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice lattes, but honestly- I don't care, I love it, anyway).
While I'm drinking my wonderfully tasty Pumpkin Pie Spice flavored coffee, I head over to the couch, where I have my trusty laptop. I checked email, message boards, and played my current game addiction, Tropic 2 while I drank my coffee and ignored the whining coming from the bedroom (boys were up late last night, they were crabby).

After that, I forgot my camera inside. *blush* My parents showed up and we did some yard work- my grass is mowed, the boys and I worked on some weeding, and we checked on our pumpkins, which I did remember to take pictures of.
While we were weeding, we found this cute little baby pumpkin (which, of course, won't make it to full grown pumpkin adulthood. But that's ok, as long as the baby pumpkin gets big enough to look somewhat pumpkin like, I'll be able to use it for decorating). But isn't it cute? We found other baby pumpkins, but they were much smaller than this one.

This is our pumpkin. The first pumpkin that I've ever grown (ever). I love doing it, pumpkins are easy, and next year, I'm planting soon after the last frost, so that we have a better chance at having multiple full grown pumpkins. This picture is now my blog header.

So after yard work and weeding, Mom and Dad went to mow my sister's grass, and I went inside to wash some dishes.
And do some laundry.

Then, Mom came back and we went over to her house, but I forgot the camera. Again. I came back, took Dyl to his friend's birthday party, but forgot the camera. Again. So I apparently have no problem documenting the boring stuff, but can't seem to remember to document the fun stuff. *sigh*
After taking Dyl out to Mom's to spend the night with his brothers, I decided to neaten up my command center. It was bugging me, all those papers hanging around, the school's calendar magnet hidden, etc. Now this is much better (but come Monday afternoon, it will be all torn up again).
And finally... dinner for one. Cheesy Dee Yas, as Dylan calls them. I didn't see much point in cooking a full meal when it's just me, and I've been craving these since yesterday. Tomorrow, I'll have a much healthier meal, I promise.

So now I'm pretty much done for the night. I'm planning on spending the night on my computer, doing pretty much nothing else.

My dad just called, and Dylan lost his first tooth, at my parents' house. And I wasn't there to see it (or photograph it). Wah!


Fall Fun

This weekend was Harvest Days. Craft fair, fried foods, carnival, and a parade (why is it when I make these little lists, I always want to end them with an 'oh my'?).

Last year, Evan rode the four wheeler kiddie ride over and over and over again, with a few breaks to go down the slide in between. This year, he graduated to bigger and faster rides (while taking breaks on the kiddie rides).
He rode the Tilt-A-Whirl, the bumper cars, and the swings. And, of course, the slide.
The Cub Scouts had a float, and Dylan and I rode the float today. We had fun riding on the float, even though we did miss most of the parade. The boys made a campfire, and a giant smore (the white thing by the flag). They pretended to roast marshmallows, and a couple boys passed out candy to the people watching the parade.

Grandma, Grandpa and Cody watched from the sidelines, and waved when they saw us.

I didn't see anything that I really had to have at the craft fair, except the cutest handmade wooden drying rack that would look simply awesome in my bathroom. It was $75, and I didn't have the money. The booth that had it has just some of the best woodworking things that I've ever seen, and I am determined to actually buy something next year (I say this every single year). Next year, if he has the drying rack, I'm buying it. Really, I mean it.

The boys got some cheap toys, and they won inflatables at the carnival, and Rosie got a wubba (I've been looking for one- she absolutely loves it), and I got three new italian charms for my bracelet. We ate a lot of fried foods, and did a lot of walking, and I'm trying to figure out how walking can possibly cause my shoulders to hurt.

The boys don't have school tomorrow, which is a good thing. They need a day to relax after this weekend's festivities. And then on Tuesday, I'll get my day to relax from this weekend's festivities.