
Only Two Days Left...

Ack! In only two days, I need to complete this album, burn it to CD, and get it to my mom, so that she can give it to my sister, so that my sister can print it out and put it in an album. But, on the upside, I've been working like crazy and have some layouts done. Yay!

This is one that I did yesterday. I took the picture over the 4th of July weekend, and knew that I'd use it in her album (how could I not? Just look at that face!).

I'm really enjoying working on this album, even if I'm rushed to get it done in time. I don't get to do all the girly stuff (unless it's for me), and Jasmine is a really girly girl. The kit that I'm using for this album is Good Times, by Holly McCaig.

This album is important because Jasmine has a major surgery coming up- the album will help cheer up Jasmine, as well as anyone who looks at it (hopefully).

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