
Do You Hear What I Hear?

I'm in a baking mood. It always happens right around this time of year. Something about the holiday season that just puts me in the mood to bake cookies. Lots of cookies.

I made peanut butter cookies a couple days ago and did something that I've never done before. I forgot the vanilla. Luckily 'no vanilla' is much better than 'too much vanilla'. At least they were still edible. Last night, I decided that I wanted to make some gingerbread cookies. But we didn't have any butter.

Damn. I went to the store this morning to get butter. While there- I noticed that they're playing Christmas music. John Lennon was playing (So This Is Christmas), and I joked with the cashier that it was a little early for Christmas music.

I wonder if she realized my true feelings? I'm am so totally ready for the holiday season. I love Christmas music. I'm tempted to break out my Mannheim Steamroller CD and listen to it today. I'm actually considering getting my Christmas decorations out. I know that my husband would kill me- KILL ME- if I put the decorations up too early. Right now, I'm to be content with the nesting dolls that his aunt bought us last Christmas. It's hard, I tell you- HARD.

So I'm going to satiate this desire to decorate for Christmas already with a good festive round of baking cookies. I'm going to make a couple batches of gingerbread cookies today. This weekend, I plan on baking a couple batches of sugar cookies.

Oh- and I'll break out the Mannheim Steamroller CD, as well as those old CDs of 'once famous pop artists singing christmas music from the 80s'. This is the Christmas music that I grew up with. My mom listened to pop/rock music, and she had all of those CDs. Man, I wish I knew what they were called. They had some funky little guy dancing on the covers and a new one came out every year. I think that they still make them, only it's just not the same with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilara. I want the cheesy 80s Christmas musis. I want The Pointer Sisters! And Bon Jovi! And Madonna! Pre-Bobby Brown Whitney Huston!


I love Christmas. The whole season is so warm and cozy. The colors are beautiful- blue and silver, red and green, lots of gold. Candle light, spiced scents, peppermint.

I will be putting the tree up before Christmas. In less than a week, we'll become the parents of one very fiesty little beagle puppy named Irish Rose (Rosie, for short). This should be interesting.

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