

I've been putting this off all day long, knowing that I needed to post it.

In a nutshell- I'm back among the land of the living after a very (very) long hiatus. Forced, of course. We've been without internet since November, which is why I kinda just disappeared there (and yes, I know that I still owe my creative team kits and an email- I'll get to that tomorrow, and ladies- be prepared. Seven new kits that you get to play with).

So. Here I am. I have a headache (I. Need. Sleep.) and I can't do anything about it until I finish the ad that I'm working on. What's been going on in my boring life these past few months? Let's see...

December- Christmas, holidays, presents.
January- um, uh... some stuff that I'm completely blanking on right now.
February- my sister announced that she's pregnant! And my sister in law moved in.
March- tax return, cable turned back on, new clothes, new books (Wicked and The Second Summer Of The Sisterhood).

There. Now you are all caught up and I can get on to other things.

Tomorrow is our test run for first grade. His PM kindergarten class is meeting in the morning, so my poor sleep deprived self is going to have to finish my ad and then haul my butt into bed so that I can be sure that I'll be up before he needs to be to school.

I've been completely accident prone the last few days. The day before yesterday, I kicked the laundry room door, on accident, and hurt my toe and screwed up my ankle. So yesterday, I hobbled around all day (made for an interesting day). Then today, I managed to get my thumb caught in this weird tool thingy of Mike's. Oh- and let's not forget that I have a huge bruise on my thigh because a bottle of green apple scented Mr Clean fell off the shelves over the toilet in our bathroom.

There's so much more that I wanted to say, but damn if this headache of mine is making it hard to think. Urgh. I'll try this again in a couple of days when I think that I might actually have my groove back (because right now, I'm too enthralled with the internet to think correctly. You'd think that I'd never have owned a computer before with the way that I'm acting, lol).

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