
Searches, What Did You Do With Your Two Front Teeth?, and Kitties

I sometimes forget that I have my Statcounter on this site. Oh- I know that it's there (because I check it to see where I'm at, visitor wise), but I forget that I can go to the site and see where people are coming from. Lots of posts from the message boards that I frequent (there are many peas who visit- seems like all I do is post to a thread and I get at least one hit, lol), some from other blogs where I'm linked, but my absolute favorites are the searches.

Currently on the list of 'Someone Searched For This And Found Me' are:
  • Digital Dream Girls. Do I even want to know what this person was looking for? Probably not...
  • I'll Be Dreaming Of You Tonight. A song, I think.
  • Cabana Boy Pictures. Ya know, I talk about Juan the Cabana Boy once...
  • Kelly Clarkson Song With The Word Meemaw. Odd- I mention Kelly Clarkson and Meemaw, but I didn't think that I did it in the same post...
  • Stretchy Watch Bands. If I hadn't have mentioned watches in a recent post, I'm pretty sure that I'd have been having a WTF moment with that one...
  • Digital Scrapbook Gifts/Freebies. Two different searches, but these searches pretty much mean that people who are interested in my hobby are finding my blog, which means that it should be relatively easy for other people interested in the hobby to find it.
Val wanted people to post this on their blogs- so here goes. Two Front Teeth For Sale. The proceeds are for a good cause- a church is fundraisin for a mission trip to Bangladesh. And- if you aren't interested in buying a child's front teeth (although, you have to admit, it's kinda cute), there's Val's A Tiny Seed kit over at The Digi Chick. So- two front teeth or a really cool kit (which is on my TO BUY list, by the way).

What else was I going to ramble about? Oh yeah- kitties! I am cat sitting this weekend. Sil went to visit her uncle, and I'm taking care of her cats. Yay me! I had Tangerine (formerly known as Oliver) out for a few hours this evening while I watched my shows. At one point, Tangerine is sitting on my lap, watching the ceiling fan go around (so cute!), and he spent some time playing with my fingers and chewing on my shirt. Mike came into the living room and said that I must really like that cat... I'm taking that as a sign that I'm wearing him down on the cat issue. I don't think that Mike would be happy to know that I've named this cat- something about attachment and how I might actually cry if he doesn't let me keep this totally adorable kitty.

I added a slide show of my recent layouts. I think that it's pretty sad that my recent layouts go back to November. *Sigh* I really need to do more layouts. Maybe this weekend...


Portrait of a Six Year Old

I should have done this yesterday, but everyone was sick yesterday and I just didn't feel like it. I haven't taken pictures of him (note to self: do that today) so that I can make a layout.

Anyway- yesterday was Cody's 6th birthday. I can't believe that he's six! He's a kindergartener now, he loves to play computer games (he even got a monster truck game of his own for his birthday), he's even starting to read and do simple math (addition and subtraction- which he calls 'plussing' and 'minusing'). He's silly, and popular (why didn't anyone tell me that popularity starts in kindergarten???), and 'hates' girls.

This week is a week of milestones. Besides Cody's birthday, Dylan has finally decided, with the help of 'suckers', that he's ready to potty train. He's used it a few times between last night and today, and tells me that tomorrow he'll wear actual underwear. Because Dylan has decided this- Evan has also decided that he's going to potty train. I'm not sure if it's just because he's ready or if it's because he sees that Dylan gets a Dum Dum every time he uses the potty.

I'm so excited- even having just one kid in pull ups will be so much easier on me (and my pocketbook).


I Just Want To Scream...

I'm just going to cut to the chase.


It's not cute or funny or nice and it doesn't help me out- AT ALL. I'm not greedy, and yes- I am a bitch. But then, I think that anyone would be a bitch (or a son of one, depending on gender) if they found out that someone was deliberately stealing from them. This hobby has never- NEVER- been about money for me. NEV-ER. I love doing it, I love making things and seeing what people do with them. The reason that I sell is because I think that if I were just doing this for free that I wouldn't take the initiative to grow and become better in my designing (and I cringe to look at my early designs).

If you can't stop simply because the LAW says that you should, then maybe you should look at the people behind the designs. You're not stealing from a big faceless corporate entity- you are stealing from me and other designers like me. We aren't corporate. We're wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, neices, aunts, grandmothers, neighbors, friends, the woman standing behind you in the check out line, the woman walking her children to the local park. WE ARE PEOPLE. Look at me and tell me again that it's ok to steal from me. Go ahead.

Ok- deep breath (this would have been a longer post if I had posted it a couple hours earlier- I was seething because someone- yet again- was sharing a kit of mine). How about some pictures of some cute animals?

Disclaimer: I removed the bag from Rosie's head as soon as I snapped this picture. If I hadn't have had my camera handy (like literally sitting right on top of my monitor), I wouldn't have taken the picture. Rosie's health and safety is important to us.

The story behind the picture: My mother sends my children home with junk food all the time. This was taken Saturday night, after my mom sent my kids home with two bags of chips (at least it wasn't candy this time). My three bottom less pits emptied that bag in seconds (I put the other one up for the next day), and dropped it on the floor (typical). I didn't think anything of it- it was an empty chip bag, and the boys were in bed, and I'd walk through the house picking up dirty clothes, coats, shoes, toys and garbage before heading to bed for the night. I should have thought harder about that...

I heard this weird rustling coming from the living room. I figured that Rosie must have found the chips- and I told her to drop it and leave it alone. I heard more rustling, looked into the living room, and saw this: Rosie with her head stuck in the potato chip bag. I laughed, grabbed the camera, and took this picture before taking the bag from her head and throwing it away (after a good cuddle).

I WANT HIM. Seriously- I'm determined to get this cat. This is one of Buffy's kittens, named Oliver (for now). He's so adorable and soft and lovable and loves to cuddle... Plus- he's not afraid of Rosie and pretty much allows her to sniff him with this typical cat-ish attitude of 'I don't care as long as you don't hurt me'.

This is MY CAT. MINE. Nobody else's- MINE. And I must have him. My birthday is next month, and I'm trying to talk Mike into letting me keep him. My arguement is simple- I didn't want the fish tank or the lizard, but we have them anyway. I'm not asking him to clean up after the cat or anything like that. He doesn't ask me to clean the fish tank or the lizard cage, and I wouldn't ask him to clean out the litter box.

I want him so much. Lately, he's been my computer companion- I bring him out and he cuddles on my lap while I'm working on the computer.


My Mailman May Pass My House In Peace Now...

As happy as I am to have my watch- I have to say that I'm a little disappointed that I didn't have to stalk my mailman for too long. I mean- where's the fun in that? I ordered the watch on Friday, and got the watch today. Ok, ok- so it's rare that you find an awesome seller like this, who actually sends things as soon as they get payment (instead of waiting 3-4 days). I was just happy to have found a seller with perfect feedback (amazing how the stores had worse feedback than this independent seller! Went into my favorite sellers list immediately).

So- last night, I was checking out my blog links. Found one link that needed editing (Holly's blog), and changed it. Then I went to check her blog out and kinda got stuck there. She had posted a link (since removed) where someone was sharing kits illegally. I found one of my kits from POTH DSS over there and was ticked. Most of the stuff was free- but my kit wasn't (it was cheap though). It was actually pretty cool to see how quickly this got around. It went from one site to another, until it seemed like the entire world of designers was buzzing with the news. This morning when I woke up, I had an email from Holly saying that she had removed everything (she did). Yay!

Oh. Oh- now THIS is good. I went to the store to get pull ups and pop a couple hours ago. I came home with pull ups and Diet Berries and Cream Dr Pepper. I love the Diet Cherry Vanilla, but had to try this when I saw it (I love cream soda almost as much as I love the Diet Cherry Vanilla). Oh yeah- another addiction for me, lol!

So- it's 9pm, I'm sitting here wearing my cute purple watch, drinking my Diet Berries and Cream Dr Pepper, and currently ignoring Photoshop, where I'm working on a new kit. Oh- and I'm sick (I hate being sick), worse than I was yesterday. I'm tired, and ready for bed, but can't go yet because I have laundry to finish.



I hate being sick. I'm not *that* sick, but my throat is scratchy and that is enough for me.

Now Evan. Evan on the other hand is sick. The poor kid just hasn't been himself at all today. He's sitting in the living room watching cartoons (and he never sits still). *Sigh*

So- with two kids at Grandma's house and one parked on the couch, I've actually had to time to scrap today!

Check out the arrows in this layout. They are my new favorite thing. It's a font called 'You Are Here' and it's available at 2peas.

Credits: Memory Paper Pack and Accent Pack by Holly McCaig, 'O' from Sweet Serenity by Shabby Princess and fonts are 2peas You Are Here and CBX-labelmaker.

I'm loving Cody's face lately (most of the time, lol). He's been so expressive!

Credits: Mechanical Things kit by Heather Roselli, fonts are 2Peas DW Stamped and Axis Combo.

I haven't posted this one to any galleries yet. Truthfully- I'm not sure that I really like this one and will probably rework it in a few days.

Credits: Courage and Strength kit by Mindy Terasawa, and I can't remember what fonts I used on this (sad, I know).

I've been on a buying spree this weekend. I've bought the kits you see here (except for Mechanical Things, I bought that one last week) and a watch off eBay. I need a watch- and I found a cute one that I really like (just nobody tell me that it's crap, even if it is, ok? I'd rather not deal with that insecurity at the moment).

This is my watch. My purple watch that I'm stalking the mailman for (nevermind that I just bought it on Friday night). I'm picky about watches. I hate (I mean absolutely loathe) leather bands that buckle. They cause my wrists to sweat, which makes the leather look icky. I don't like the metal stretchy bands (the links can pinch and leave welts), nor do I like the metal ones with the clasps (somehow, I manage to break the clasps). My favorite watch, that cost me $5 and that I wore for years until the battery (finally) died on it was a bangle style- easy to wear, my wrists didn't sweat, and it didn't pinch. They had all these pretty colors (I also like the one that the seller called 'Tee', which was a brownish color), but then I saw this. I love purple. It's my favorite color (have I said that I before? I think so...). The first thing that I told my mother yesterday was that I had bought a purple watch and it is mine, do you hear me? MINE. All MINE.


I Survived!

Yes- I survived the birthday party.

The day started off headed for disaster- I woke up at 930! Since I needed to get to the farm by 1030, that left me with an hour to get myself and three kids dressed, as well as getting the car loaded. Ack- panic! But- we were dressed and the car loaded by 1030, which meant that I was only running 10 minutes late.

When we got there, my father (who is worse than a kid at Christmas, I swear) decided that before I had the car unpacked, before I had even started decorating, before the other guests had arrived... he was going to give Cody his birthday present from Grandma and Grandpa. I had to run to get in the garage (I knew what he was giving him and how he was going to do it), and my mother (who doesn't move very fast) had to hurry up and get in. We managed to do it (barely).

Dad gave Cody the garage door opener and told him that it was his present from him- meaning allowing him to open the garage door with the remote (Cody gets a kick out of this and always wants to push the button). Cody pushed the button... the garage door began to open...

Behind Door Number One- There's Gravedigger! Or a smaller, Power Wheels version of Gravedigger, at any rate.

Of course, we had to check Gravedigger out before we even got in.

The very first thing that he had to do once he actually sat in it was play with the buttons. It has music, the headlights are red (and do cool things), plus- the key is a skull.

For some odd reason, I didn't get any pictures of the decorating that I did. I had purple and green tableclothes, purple, green and black streamers, purple and green balloons, purple and green plates, cups, and silver ware... I'm just ecstatic because I never thought that I'd ever have a purple birthday party for my kids (and purple is my favorite color).

The kids arrived at noon (except for Jessie and Jasmine, they were there before we were). Cody took his friends from school out to see his Gravedigger, and I have pictures of all three of them riding it. They got cold quickly, and all three came inside to play. They ended up in Dad's office, where he has a projection television and watching Star Wars (or rather- Star Wars was playing while they wrestled on the floor). We had 9 kids, total- Jasmine (9), Jessie (8), Cody, his friends (both 6), Matthew (5- soon to be 6), Amanda (soon to be 4), Dylan (soon to be 4) and Evan (2). The kids played and watched movies and had fun. We had hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch, and then ate cake and ice cream.

Cody picked out a monster truck cake for his party. This cake was huge! We have over half of the cake left! We'll be eating cake for a week, lol.

Then came presents... And more presents... And more presents... Cody came home with- a cool 'cut away' style book on cars, two pop up playsets (that he's been asking for ever since he saw the commercial for them), three new outfits (he's wearing one in the picture), a tee ball set, a new baseball glove and baseball, the Gravedigger, a snap together model car, a remote control motorcycle, a remote control boat, some cool educational science experiment type toys from his Aunt Sue, a kite, a Leap Frog globe, and some coloring books (and I'm probably missing some things- oh well).

I have one more picture to share, and it's just because it's an awesome picture.

This was taken when they were outside playing with the remote control boat. Cody was very nice about sharing- he let everyone have a turn with the boat.

All in all- today was a good day. I'm tired, really need to clean my house, but I think that I'm going to put that off until tomorrow. At least I don't have to worry about school this week (Cody is off school for spring break), I'll be able to work non-stop at cleaning this house until it shines.



Yep- that's me. I'm tickled.

Check out this picture:
My five (almost six) year old son took this. And yes, that's me. It's been cropped (by me), and I turned it black and white- but otherwise, it's all him. I think that he has talent (but then what do I know? I'm just his mother, lol!).

It's birthday party week here at the Lee house. Today was Cody's classroom party and Saturday we're having the big party at my parents' place. I'm finding it hard to believe that he's going to be six next week!

He's off school next week, and I think Mike is going to take him to the Field Museum on one of his days off. I think that he'd love to see the dinosaur bones- especially the T-Rex in the lobby. I won't be able to go (as interesting as it will be, I don't think that the younger two are quite ready for the Field Museum), which sucks because I love the Field Museum. I'm just thinking of all the inspiration that I could get there.

Cody is going to be completely spoiled for his birthday. We got him a new outfit (tshirt and jeans from Old Navy), a Leap Frog globe, one of those Matchbox Pop Up Playsets, Mike picked out some rockets for him to play with (ok- so those are more for Daddy to play with- but since when has Mike listened to me???), a computer game and something else that I'm forgetting... My parents bought him a Gravedigger Power Wheels toy- he's going to get the biggest kick out of that.

I'm so exhausted right now. I need to go finish laundry and then head to bed- I have to get up early in the morning and I'm just not looking forward to it.

Oh- forgot to add this. This is Buffy, my sister in law's cat. I had to share this picture, because this cat has the best 'go to hell' look that I've ever seen on a cat. Besides-I love her coloring (her entire body is like that- black, with orange, brown and white- very pretty).


How Much Do You Know About Me?

I got this in an email and thought that it would be an interesting addition to my blog:

How well do you know me?? For instance, did you know. . .
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Pit Clerk at a casino
2. Wal*Mart cashier
3. For a couple summers I worked on the bottle line at a plant that bottled corn oil.
4. Greek editor of my college yearbook
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
2. Mr Holland's Opus
3. Serenity
4. Harry Potter- any of them
Four places I have lived:
1. Morris Il
2. Dwight Il
3. Macomb Il
4. i've only lived in three places, lol!
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. CSI- pick one, I love them all
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Lost
Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Oklahoma
2. St Louis
3. Orlando Florida
4. Cedar Lake Indiana
Four web sites I visit daily:
1. The Digi Chick
2. 2Peas aka Veggieville (term of endearment, not a slam)
3. Girls Interrupted (private group, can't link)
Four of my favorite foods/restaurants:
1. Taco Bell (the ceasar chicken wrap is delicious)
2. KFC (extra crispy, with a huge helping of their cole slaw)
3. TGI Fridays (the jack daniels ribs are yummy)
4. Geo's Pizza (their BBQ chicken pizza is TO DIE FOR)
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Sleeping
2. someplace warm
3. Playing with boys
4. on a beach, drinking margaritas that were served by a hot young cabana boy named 'Juan'
Four fun ways I enjoy my time:
1. playing with my boys
2. watching tv
3. spending time at my parents' farm
4. Shopping


I Hurt

I don't understand.

I went grocery shopping this afternoon at Wal*Mart (found a really cute shirt while I was there). Then I came home, put away the groceries, and vegged out on the computer until later. Then- Mike and I went to the fish store (I want a hermit crab when he gets his reef tank- don't want the little crabby cutie to become fish food for his carnivores). Then- we went to Toys R Us (bought some stuff for Cody's upcoming birthday- the child is SPOILED ROTTEN). Then- Barnes and Noble (bought Designing Scrapbooks 2 and three books for Cody- again, SPOILED ROTTEN). Then we went to Old Navy. Cody got two pairs of jeans and a shirt (do I need to repeat it?). Mike got two pairs of pants. Then it was to Famous Footwear where Mike bought new shoes (and I resisted the absolutely downright adorable mules that were on sale and in my size. Why? Why?).

All that shopping. And my feet and back hurt. Go figure.

I don't really have anything to say right now. Not even a comment on the sales thread at 2Peas. I'm tired and ready to go to bed. Although I might try washing some of Mike's clothes tonight- just to make sure that he has clean socks for tomorrow and to make sure that my washing machine really is fixed.


'Real' Scrapbooking?

There's a thread at Veggieville asking if people prefer 'real' scrapbooking or digital scrapbooking (and no, I'm not going to link it because it appears completely innocent and it's just a question).

Some of the answers are rather interesting, as to what 'real' scrapbooking is. My personal favorite is the one that says that to a digital scrapbook, digital scrapbooking is real. Um- does that mean that paper scrapbooking isn't real to me? It gave me a giggle.

What is the point of scrapbooking? An interesting question. For some- it's to record memories and showcase them in a beautiful way. For others- it's an artistic endeavour, something to feed the creative monster in all of us (much like the people who knit hats, sweaters, blankets and scarves, and no- I have no problem with people like that, considering that I crocheted four scarves this winter because I felt like it). Am I missing another reason? I don't think so (and I hope that someone will enlighten me and yes this is me fishing for comments).

So if we take these two reasons- recording memories and something crafty/artsy to do- we should be able to figure out what is 'real' and what isn't 'real'.

But wait. There are so many different forms of art. Look at art museums, galleries, online, heck- go to your local high school's art fair and check out the pieces. You have paintings, ceramics, photography, sculptures, and- in some art museums and galleries- movies. Look at the paintings. Some are watercolor, some are acrylic, some are oils. Some are painted on wood, some on canvas, some on matte board. Some are teeny tiny, others are very large. The brush strokes might be short and thin, long and thick, millions upon millions of dots, swirly and loose, straight and tight, or even just paint splatters. The subject matter varies- from religious pieces, to portraits, to melting clocks, to Campbell's Soup cans. No style is better than the other. In the end, you have the same thing: a painting. Size, style, subject matter, the paint that it's painted with, what it is painted on- it's all personal preference.

The same goes for scrapbooking. Those that choose paper over digital aren't any better than those who choose digital over paper. Those who choose a shabby look aren't any better than those who choose a CM look. Those who buy the latest and greatest aren't any better than those who could care less. What matters is that in the end- they're all layouts. Digital or paper- it's all real to me.


Of Mice and Mommies

I made a new layout last night. I don't have any pictures for this one, and I don't think that I'm the best at making no picture layouts, but I needed to scrap this story. The story behind this is actually hilarious- now that it's been almost two months since it happened.

We live in a house that gets field mice. I'm okay with that- as long as they aren't in my food or crawling where they shouldn't be. It was a Saturday night. Everyone was in bed except me. I'm in my pajamas (stretchy black pants and a sweatshirt- amazing how good your memory is when it comes to stuff like this), playing a game on my computer. The dining room light is off, so the only light in the room is coming from my computer screen.

I feel something small and furry at my feet. 'Go away, Rosie, you were just outside.' (Rosie is our beagle puppy.) I brush her away from my feet- but the small furry something doesn't leave. Then it dawns on me. Rosie is in her crate for the night.

Uh oh (more accurately, I think the words that crossed my mind were 'Oh shit').

The small furry something is much, much smaller than a dog. And it was crawling up my pant leg.

I go to use my hand to brush it off... and I realize that I'm feeling tiny claws (btw- it doesn't hurt when a mouse climbs up your leg) and a furry belly with no pant inbetween it and my skin. (Can you say 'another oh shit moment'? I knew you could!) The mouse is INSIDE my pants and almost to my knees!

I don't think that I've ever, ever, EVER flown out of my chair that fast. I jumped up, kicked my leg, and brushed the mouse off with my hands. It goes flying across the room (I can still picture the furry little belly and glimpse of tail that I saw by the light of my computer screen as it flew through the air) and scurries off (I can only assume- I didn't actually see it scurry, but I wasn't able to find a mouse laying around later). I'm screaming, and doing my 'gross, disgusting, ew' dance, hopping around the dining room shivering. My husband (here's where my brave strong man comes in) walks to the doorway to the living room to ask what's wrong.

Let's pause for a second and explain the layout of my house. The rooms are not all that interesting, shape wise- all of them are either squares of rectangles (except for the hallway, which is L shaped). It goes dining room, living room, hallway. I'm in the dining room. He's in the hallway. There's a dark living room between us.

So- he's in the hallway, standing as far as he can possibly get from me and still be able to see me. Now- I'm screaming. You'd think that if your wife is screaming, that you'd come running to make sure that she wasn't hurt of something. My father- who tends to be on the lazy side- even ran to help my mom when she fell through our ceiling (and she wasn't hurt bad!). My husband? Coward. Complete and total coward who had the balls to LAUGH at me when I told him that a mouse just ran up my pant leg. Oh, and he made some off hand remark about spiders (I don't like spiders or anything having to do with spiders, even dusty cobwebs because how do I know that spiders don't reuse webs? Huh?).

So. Recap. Mouse up pant leg, I scream, do my heeby jeeby dance, mouse flying across room, husband laughing at me. My mom bought me some traps, and I would set them out at night (I have three kids and a dog- all of them are very curious, leaving traps out during the day isn't a good idea). I caught the mouse two days later, and then my dance was a triumphant 'I am the mouse catcher! Hear me roar! Woe to any mouse that crawls up my pant leg!' dance. But wait- it gets better.

I spot the trap when I first wake up. There's a mouse in it (dead, of course). I tell Mike that I caught the mouse, and he does a disappearing act. Turns out- he doesn't like dead mice. He hides. I have to actually tell my children to not touch it (I could see their little fingers reaching for the tail and quite frankly, I'd rather not see my two year swinging the mouse around by it's tail, m'kay?) while I go and get my dustpan and broom. The entire time, I'm thinking that I don't like dead things and that I'm glad that I traded my mom one of those plastic pads for under desk chairs for her dustpan (which is the kind that is on a long handle).

I can laugh about this now- but when it happened, it wasn't funny at all.

Kit credits: Hip Cat kit by Jan Crowley, Fonts: Autograph Script and Times New Roman


Couches And Fish Tanks And Tape Measures, Whee!

What is it with my couch? Oh- I forgot to mention this one. Couches. Our marriage can be traced by the couches that we've owned. Back in 1999, when we first moved in together, we had this horribly ugly couch- it was this hideous red velour-like fabric with gold embroidered swirlies all over it. Mike loved that couch. Why? No clue- it was just a hideously ugly couch. Not too comfortable, either (although that could just be me remembering trying to get off that thing when I was nine months pregnant with Cody). When we moved in- he 'accidentally' knocked one of the legs off the couch. I think that he did it on purpose- because, ya know, it's hilarious to watch a pregnant woman roll herself off the couch.

Not long after Cody was born, and not long before we moved, we got rid of that couch in favor of another hideously ugly (although slightly more comfortable) couch. We went from the 70s to the 80s with a 'lovely' beige couch with gray, silver, and black 'swooshes' all over it. I still have the pillows from that thing (at least one- and it's sitting by the back door, ready to head for the trash). Did I have a say in the new couch? No. In fact, I think it was more along the lines of 'Hey, can you get the door, honey? I've got a couch.' Yeah. Thoughtful, isn't he?

Eight or nine months after we moved out of that apartment, Mike began talking about futons. He wanted a futon. He needed to have futon. I glared at him. I mean- I really did. I was starting to get the idea that he has absolutely NO TASTE in couches, whatsoever. My thoughts were ignored. *I* wanted a fake leather couch. Why? Simple. We have boys. A fake leather couch means that a- if they spill, I don't have to run for paper towels so that it's cleaned up before it's soaked into the fabric and b- I could care less if the fake leather is ruined by said spills. Oh- and it needed to be dark, like a dark brown. Did he listen? Nope- he ignored me and went out and bought a $100 futon.

It broke when he was putting it together. The entire time that we had that thing, it was duct taped into a couch position. Oh- and the cover? Hideous. But we were still in the 80s- it was green swirly swooshes on a beige background. Yep- ugly. More like patio furniture than living room furniture. But we lived with that couch for over two years. I took my chance to get rid of it when we moved- the frame is at my parents and I had Mike toss the couch part (it was trashed).

My parents gave us a couch when we moved in. Lo and behold! A fake leather couch! Woohoo! There were problems (the leather was cracked in places), but hey- I have three boys, and the cracked cushions gave me a new use for our crib sheets. Mike started talking new couches. A sectional.

Wait. Something else that you need to know. I'm living in the house where I grew up. Years and years ago, my parents tried a sectional in the living room. It. Will. Not. Fit. trust me on this one- sectionals don't work in our living room. I explained this to Mike. His response? 'Yes it will, this is different.' Yeah. Right. You can see where I'm going with this, right?

He surprised me one day by coming home and saying that he bought the couch. What the hell? I eyeballed him and asked him what couch, how much did it cost, and did he even think to, oh, I don't know, SHOW IT TO HIS WIFE FIRST? Nope- hadn't crossed his mind. Apparently, measuring didn't, either. He explained that it would stick out maybe (*Snort*) a few inches into the dining room doorway. Ok, whatever.

He brought the couch home. He got it inside the house. He got it set up. It stuck out TWO FREAKING FEET into the dining room doorway. I eyeballed him and said 'Tape measures. Wonderful inventions. Maybe next time you could use one?' I don't mind the couch. It's comfortable, but darn it, it is next to impossible to clean under it or behind it because I have no room in the living room in which to move the pieces around.

So. Here I sit, the unfortunate owner of a couch that does not fit in my living room. I do have to give him credit- he chose one that matches the room (well, sorta. The couch is brown, but there's purple in the swirly flower thingys on the throw pillows).

When we got our tax return, he told me that he was going to get himself a fish tank. Now, to me 'fish tank' means something that is small enough to fit inside a room. The one that he's getting? It's an entire ecosystem in and of itself. It's big, ok? Really big. He starts showing me how tall it will be and how wide and how long and I stop him and say 'Look at the couch. Look at it. You said that it would only stick out a little bit. It's blocking half of the doorway to the dining room. Do you REALLY think that I'm going to take your word on just how tall/big/wide this thing is?' Oh- and I told him that i'm going to be going with him to the fish store with a tape measure and getting the measurements, myself (because, obviously, I can't trust him to do anything. What's even funnier is that he is a salesman and TELLS his customers to measure to make sure that they have room for whatever it is that they're buying.).

Yeah, I'm bitter about this. I like ROOM. I like to be able to move around without bumping into things that just don't fit.

But what I started to talk about was the boys' fascination with using our couch as their own private jungle gym. Did I mention that our current couch comes with an ottoman? It does. The 'ottoman' is more 'coffee table with padding', but still. They jump off the back of it, climb it, turn it into a house, and so on. Every morning, I walk through our living room and pick up six blankets, fold them, and return them to the boys' room because for some odd reason, the boys need two blankets a piece when they're building their 'forts' or 'houses' or whatever. Then- I get the pillows. They're all over the floor.

The biggest drawback to having a sectional is that it is insanely easy for the boys to push it out of place. It drives me nuts. I'm sure that the neighbors think that I'm this crazy lady because all that they see is most likely me standing in the window, yelling. I'm usually telling the boys, in no uncertain terms, that if I catch them using my couch as a jungle gym again, I'm going to lock them in their rooms (like I would really do that- fire hazard, ya know. Oh, and they'd be pounding the walls and making even more noise than they do now).

I need to update my template, but I'm too lazy to do that right now. Maybe later.



I've been putting this off all day long, knowing that I needed to post it.

In a nutshell- I'm back among the land of the living after a very (very) long hiatus. Forced, of course. We've been without internet since November, which is why I kinda just disappeared there (and yes, I know that I still owe my creative team kits and an email- I'll get to that tomorrow, and ladies- be prepared. Seven new kits that you get to play with).

So. Here I am. I have a headache (I. Need. Sleep.) and I can't do anything about it until I finish the ad that I'm working on. What's been going on in my boring life these past few months? Let's see...

December- Christmas, holidays, presents.
January- um, uh... some stuff that I'm completely blanking on right now.
February- my sister announced that she's pregnant! And my sister in law moved in.
March- tax return, cable turned back on, new clothes, new books (Wicked and The Second Summer Of The Sisterhood).

There. Now you are all caught up and I can get on to other things.

Tomorrow is our test run for first grade. His PM kindergarten class is meeting in the morning, so my poor sleep deprived self is going to have to finish my ad and then haul my butt into bed so that I can be sure that I'll be up before he needs to be to school.

I've been completely accident prone the last few days. The day before yesterday, I kicked the laundry room door, on accident, and hurt my toe and screwed up my ankle. So yesterday, I hobbled around all day (made for an interesting day). Then today, I managed to get my thumb caught in this weird tool thingy of Mike's. Oh- and let's not forget that I have a huge bruise on my thigh because a bottle of green apple scented Mr Clean fell off the shelves over the toilet in our bathroom.

There's so much more that I wanted to say, but damn if this headache of mine is making it hard to think. Urgh. I'll try this again in a couple of days when I think that I might actually have my groove back (because right now, I'm too enthralled with the internet to think correctly. You'd think that I'd never have owned a computer before with the way that I'm acting, lol).