
I Just Want To Scream...

I'm just going to cut to the chase.


It's not cute or funny or nice and it doesn't help me out- AT ALL. I'm not greedy, and yes- I am a bitch. But then, I think that anyone would be a bitch (or a son of one, depending on gender) if they found out that someone was deliberately stealing from them. This hobby has never- NEVER- been about money for me. NEV-ER. I love doing it, I love making things and seeing what people do with them. The reason that I sell is because I think that if I were just doing this for free that I wouldn't take the initiative to grow and become better in my designing (and I cringe to look at my early designs).

If you can't stop simply because the LAW says that you should, then maybe you should look at the people behind the designs. You're not stealing from a big faceless corporate entity- you are stealing from me and other designers like me. We aren't corporate. We're wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, neices, aunts, grandmothers, neighbors, friends, the woman standing behind you in the check out line, the woman walking her children to the local park. WE ARE PEOPLE. Look at me and tell me again that it's ok to steal from me. Go ahead.

Ok- deep breath (this would have been a longer post if I had posted it a couple hours earlier- I was seething because someone- yet again- was sharing a kit of mine). How about some pictures of some cute animals?

Disclaimer: I removed the bag from Rosie's head as soon as I snapped this picture. If I hadn't have had my camera handy (like literally sitting right on top of my monitor), I wouldn't have taken the picture. Rosie's health and safety is important to us.

The story behind the picture: My mother sends my children home with junk food all the time. This was taken Saturday night, after my mom sent my kids home with two bags of chips (at least it wasn't candy this time). My three bottom less pits emptied that bag in seconds (I put the other one up for the next day), and dropped it on the floor (typical). I didn't think anything of it- it was an empty chip bag, and the boys were in bed, and I'd walk through the house picking up dirty clothes, coats, shoes, toys and garbage before heading to bed for the night. I should have thought harder about that...

I heard this weird rustling coming from the living room. I figured that Rosie must have found the chips- and I told her to drop it and leave it alone. I heard more rustling, looked into the living room, and saw this: Rosie with her head stuck in the potato chip bag. I laughed, grabbed the camera, and took this picture before taking the bag from her head and throwing it away (after a good cuddle).

I WANT HIM. Seriously- I'm determined to get this cat. This is one of Buffy's kittens, named Oliver (for now). He's so adorable and soft and lovable and loves to cuddle... Plus- he's not afraid of Rosie and pretty much allows her to sniff him with this typical cat-ish attitude of 'I don't care as long as you don't hurt me'.

This is MY CAT. MINE. Nobody else's- MINE. And I must have him. My birthday is next month, and I'm trying to talk Mike into letting me keep him. My arguement is simple- I didn't want the fish tank or the lizard, but we have them anyway. I'm not asking him to clean up after the cat or anything like that. He doesn't ask me to clean the fish tank or the lizard cage, and I wouldn't ask him to clean out the litter box.

I want him so much. Lately, he's been my computer companion- I bring him out and he cuddles on my lap while I'm working on the computer.

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