
A New Decade

Today is my birthday. My 30th birthday. Tonight, I'm having cheesecake (the boys will each get a small piece, and then I'll have the rest all to myself. It's my birthday, and I'm allowed), tomorrow we're having dinner at my parents, and I get to sleep alone tonight because dh has to be at work at 4am tomorrow morning. *sigh*

He did take me out to eat on Tuesday. We went to red lobster, where I had coconut shrimp (my favorite). The boys are behaving, which is the best birthday present that I could have, and other than some simple laundry and washing dishes, I am taking the day off from housework. I'm allowed, it's my birthday.

Looking back at how things have changed in the last 10 years has been enlightening.

At 20, I wasn't married and I had no children. Today, at 30, I have been married for 8 years, and have three wonderful sons. I discovered digital scrapbooking, rediscovered crochet, and taught myself to knit. I started the decade living in my parents' house, then lived in two apartments and am now back in the same house that I started the decade in. I've owned 7 different cars and 4 computers.

It's amazing just how much can change in so short a time. I'm looking forward to the next 10 years, to see what changes life brings to me. I'm hoping that we'll be able to buy a house, some place nice, with plenty of room for three growing boys. I'm hoping for more vacations, at least one to someplace warm and tropical, and at least one to someplace fun for the kids. I'm hoping to lose weight and look great in a bathing suit (preferably before we go some place warm and tropical for vacation). I would like to go on a cruise, just me and Mike.


The Great {Dead} Possum Battle of 2008

]This is the most disgusting thing ever, and I'm simply dumbfounded by it.

A couple Saturdays ago, I went to the store. In the middle of the alley was this large, furry dead possum. It was big. I made a mental note to call the village hall on Monday (closed on saturday and sunday) to let them know and get someone out here to take care of it.

That Monday morning, I noticed that the possum was gone. Or so I thought. Tuesday, while driving by one of the driveways on the alley, I saw the dead possum in the driveway. Um, ok. I didn't think anything of it, except to shake my head, because now that it was on private property, the town won't do anything about it.

A week goes by. The possum is getting pretty disgusting. I make a point of turning my head away so that I don't see it.

Yesterday morning, I turn my head, and what do I see? Dead possum, THE dead possum, in this other neighbor's driveway. It is barely recognizable as a possum anymore. Ew.

My kitchen window looks down the alley, so while I'm washing dishes, I'm also watching who is coming and going, lol. Today, I watch the guy with the possum in his driveway come home, pull into his driveway, go into his garage, grab a shovel, and then toss the barely recognizable (and still very dead) possum across the alley.

Seriously? Would it have been so hard to just call the village hall in the first place?

I have to admit that part of me is laughing. These people are arguing over a dead possum. *sigh*

I have a new kit coming out this week. Here's a quick, up close and personal peek at it:

It has glitter, acrylic, and rusted elements. It debuts on Thursday, I'll post then with the full size image.


Opening Day

Guess what Cody got for his birthday. Tickets for the Cubs opening day game!

He had a blast. The weather may not have been the best, but they were able to while away the rain delays by standing in line for the bathroom.
His uncle bought him the ticket for his birthday. We had bought him a Cubs hat already, so the two gifts went together.

Outside Wrigley, he had his picture taken with this guy. Mike told me what he's called, but I can't remember... Too bad it's still too early in the season for the ivy to actually have leaves on it.

They also dedicated a statue to Ernie Banks yesterday. They went early enough so that they could be there for the dedication, even though I don't think Cody understood just who Ernie Banks was or why he now has his very own statue. Banks also threw out the first pitch, and led the 7th inning stretch. Along with Banks, there were other Cubs legends there, including Cody's grandpa's favorite player, Ron Santo, Ferguson Jenkins and Billy Williams. Hank Aaron was also there.

It was a good game, even though the Cubs did lose in the 10th inning.

All in all, it was a good day for Cody. He came home with Rich Hill's autograph, a package of baseball cards (all Cubs, of course), a mini bat, a fleece Cubs blanket, and a Derrek Lee jersey. He got to miss school, and he can't wait to go to another game.