
Elephants And Boxers And Dancing Like Nobody Is Watching

Yesterday was Dylan's kindergarten spring music program. They had a zoo theme, since they are going to the zoo tomorrow (and Dylan is so excited about it).

This isn't the best picture, even after I played with it. I seriously hate taking pictures in the gym, the lighting is just terrible. Isn't he cute? He made the elephant mask in art class, and it turned out great.

After the program, we went back to his classroom for treats and to see his journal and the story that he wrote about his favorite cartoon (he chose Spongebob, of course).

Today, they are staying for lunch, to practice for next year. I feel for the teachers, though, because they have both AM and PM kids this morning (but at least they get the afternoon off, which they're probably going to enjoy).

Mother's Day weekend, we went to mil's for a cook out. They have this boxer statue in the backyard, and my kids view these statues as things to ride on. I snapped some picture of Evan riding the boxer, and they turned out great.

He was having fun on that dog.

I'm working on the slideshow for Dylan's birthday party, and I'm thinking that I should get some DVD-Rs and burn it and give it to the grandparents. I'm almost done with the pictures (need to add the elephant one), and then I'm going to add some video. I know that I'll add some of the ones from yesterday, but there's also a video of him dancing a few months ago, and I think that I have some of him on the four wheeler, as well.

I'm also thinking that these might become a birthday tradition.

And just because I think it's absolutely hilarious, this is one of the videos that will be on the DVD.


I'm Such A Girl

Today was a first for me.

Today, I got to buy bait. For the other girly girls out there, bait is worms. Slimy, squirmy, wiggly, worms. Worms in dirt. Worms in dirt in a small plastic container that is now sitting in my fridge.

So yes, friendly reader, I have a container of dirt and worms in my fridge.

Tomorrow is Cody's Cub Scout fishing derby. He got a new pole for the derby, new tackle, and a new water bottle. I'm planning on taking my book (Duma Key by Stephen King) and my camp chair and just relaxing while he fishes. The only fly in the ointment was Cody telling me that he doesn't know how to get fish off a hook (even though I know that he does), so I'm going to camp near a father and son team, and send him over to ask the dad to help, because Mommy does not touch fish.

See? I'm such a girl.

Tomorrow is also Dylan's 6th birthday, and he's not going to be home all day. He's going to the Cubs game, and looking forward to it so much. He's done nothing but talk about it since Cody went for his birthday. He's getting a tent. He wants a play house, but I'm not keen on spending a lot of money for something that he'll outgrow fairly quickly, so we opted for a tent. It will be a nice sized 'playhouse' for him, but we can pack it up and put it away and use it for actual camping later on. He's also getting Guitar Hero III for the Xbox 360. We chose this game for him, because he got this guitar for Christmas and he's pretty much carried it around the house on a regular basis. He's going to be the musical one, I can just tell.


Caves and Captain Underpants

Cody has always been fascinated with 'building' things like forts and houses. When we had a couch with removable cushions, he would remove all of the cushions and build his little house out of them. He's done this since he was about 3 or 4, and always got the biggest kick out of it. Today, my mom came to pick up the boys to take them to her house. This morning, Cody built a cave out of his bed sheets, his shelves, and his bunk bed. Pretty darn creative, and what's more, as long as he cleans his room once a week, I don't give a damn about it because I can simply shut his bedroom door and be done with it.

My mom, who was an only child and raised two girls, saw his cave this morning. She wanted to know why he was doing it, and why I didn't bother to stop it. It never occurred to me to stop his cave making. I find it kinda cute, and frankly, if I had bunk beds as a child, I might have done the same thing (except that mine wouldn't have been a cave, but a pretend canopy bed. I've always wanted a canopy bed).

Cody has always struggled with reading. He has told me that he hates it, he doesn't see the point when Mom can read to him, etc. A few weeks ago, I came across a Captain Underpants book, and decided that Cody and I can read it together. We read one chapter together, and then Cody decided that reading wasn't so bad, and continued reading it, on his own. He told me the other day that he just can't believe that he's read 3 chapter books now. He owns 4 Captain Underpants books and one Super Diaper Baby book (a spin off of Captain Underpants) now, and he loves them. He enjoys reading now, and I've even caught him reading his reading book to his brothers.

I love that he now enjoys reading. Dylan does, too. I'm hoping that Evan will enjoy reading, and that he'll be just as easy as Dylan when it comes to reading.

I bought some nice work out capris today. I've decided that I'm going to do more walking now that it's spring. I'm also going to pick up some good athletic shoes. I love my crocs, but I want something else for walking. I have some free time in the mornings for a few more weeks, and this summer, I figure that the boys and I can walk to the school to play on the playground for awhile. I need to get out more. I toyed with the idea of joining Weight Watchers, but I don't think that I have the discipline for WW. So this summer, I am determined to lose some of this weight.

And now I'm off to go do some cleaning before Mike gets home from work.