
It's All About Me, Baby

page kit by Holly McCaig Posted by Hello

I'm working on a new 'theme'- favorite stuff! I have pictures of my favorite jeans (see above), and pictures of my favorite shoes, and pictures of my favorite beverages (unfortunately, the pictures of my favorite beverages didn't turn out- I need new batteries in my camera). I plan on taking more pictures- favorite places, favorite books, things like that. I have these kits that are perfect for me- but not so perfect for layouts of my boys. It's time that I spent some more time scrapping about myself.

I think that I'm going to make this an album- and eventually I'll print it out and actually put it in one.

I spent four hours (FOUR HOURS) yesterday working on a vacation mini album for my mother in law. She's going to Jamaica soon, and I thought that she'd like to have it. We'll put the pictures in it when she gets back (hopefully with my cabana boy in tow- I've already told her to get a cabana boy and have him serve her margaritas for me, maybe she'll surprise me and bring one back). I found a use for those paper supplies that Memory Maker's sent me. The album turned out great, and hopefully I'll be able to get pictures of it when she gets back. But- back to the four hours. I was silly. I should have used the space that I have set up up stairs for scrapping to complete the album instead of sitting on the living room floor. By the time I was done, my back hurt so bad! It was still sore this morning. Note to self: under no circumstances should I scrap while sitting on the living room floor.

I noticed last night that I need a new exacto knife. Mine is crap. The only blade that I have is broken, *and* someone (coughcoughMIKEcoughcough) was messing with it and the thingy that holds the blade in no longer holds the blade in. Oh- and a paper cutter would be nice too.


The (Almost) No Good (Almost) Horrible (Almost) Very Bad Day (Almost)

Hi, my name is Tracey, and I'm an addict.

This morning, I decided to try something. I was trying to avoid having to completely reformat my hard drive and start all over (darn freaking viruses), so I got the brilliant (snort) idea to just upgrade WinXp (ya know- where you don't lose all of your programs and stuff). If it works- great. If it doesn't- nothing lost but the hour or so it takes to upgrade.

Wrong. Silly me- my cordless, optical, USB mouse does not work when upgrading WinXP. I don't know if it was me or what, but I'm so totally paranoid about losing everything that I didn't dare do anything with my computer until I had some sort of techno geek around to fix my mistakes. This happened at oh, 930am this morning. My husband was at work. My father was at work. There were no other techno geeks around. So- I waited. I cleaned a bit, played with my boys a bit, and basically sat there and fumed- How could THIS happen to me? I'm going to lose everything! Programs- no big deal. The layouts that I haven't backed up because I don't have enough of them to fill a CD- BIG DEAL. My fonts? HUGE DEAL. The photos? REALLY HUGE DEAL. Oh- and the thought of an ENTIRE DAY without my computer? TERRIFYING. That's where the whole addict thing comes in. Although it would have been rather comical to see me drifting towards my computer, sitting down in front of it, only to realize that it still wasn't working.

Tomorrow- I will be backing everything up. Partly because I need to reformat, and also partly because I decided that I'm not going to screw with stuff like this anymore.

Back to today: the day got better. I got caught up on my DVR. I got some cleaning done. I got a package from Memory Maker's for the layout that I had published. Oooo- paper supplies! Travel themed paper supplies! Vintage labels! Cardstock stickers! Epoxy stickers! Self adhesive metal! Neat! And, of course, I got an idea.

I'm going to make an album. Not just a typical (for me) album, but one made entirely of paper. I'm thinking something along the lines of Oh Baby The Places You'll Go, something for the boys. This is really cool paper- unfortunately, I doubt that I'll be traveling places any time soon. Ya know, the whole 'money' thing. This is the type of stuff that I just have to do something with, ya know?

Oh, and not to toot my own horn here or anything, but you can find my layout, Spirit of Chicago, on page 84 of Memory Maker's Travel Issue. Because they didn't use my supply list (grrr), I used a page kit by Michelle Underwood (found on her Diddly Scraps CD).


Girly Girl

All About Jasmine Posted by Hello

This is my current project: a gift album for my step niece. She'll love it- it's going to be a book all about her. I'm all excited about it- it gives me an excuse to get really girly, because Jasmine is a girly girl. I've completed three layouts for the book so far, and each time I've opened the papers and elements, I've been shouting in my head {PINK!} {PURPLE!} {GIRLY!}. Yeah, I'm weird. I know. The kit that I'm using is Holly McCaig's Good Times kit. It was one of those that is on my 'I want, but I can't buy because it's too girly' list. I could have kissed my sister when she said that she wanted that kit for Jas's book.

I'm kinda shocking myself here with all this girly stuff. I'm so not a girly girl. I love to get dressed up, but make up and nylons and I are like oil and water- we don't mix well. I can't wear nylons more than once- I always seem to get runs in them. Make up, well, we won't go there, ok? I'm happiest in a pair of jeans and a tshirt (or lately, tank top), could care less if there's rips in the jeans (and not those neat, no white strings rips that are really 'frayed edges' stuff either- the real deal, ripped from simple wear type rip). Yep, I'm low maintenance.

But I'm truly happy when I can go all out girly with my scrapbooking. I'm planning on going all out girly with this book- because I can.


Speak Up!

I've already posted that I enjoy discussion lists. This morning, there was a rather interesting thread on one of my discussion lists regarding freebies and gifts with purchase. The topic isn't really that interesting- just the reactions.

First off- this is nothing new. The person who started the discussion this morning is the same person who started the previous discussion a few weeks ago. I know that we get new members all the time, but that doesn't explain the huge difference in this morning's reaction from the reactions a few weeks ago. A few weeks ago- her thoughts on offering a freebie for posting in galleries was accepted. She was told, by designers and customers alike, that it was a 'good idea'. I only found one dissenting opinion- and it wasn't really that dissenting, just a 'it might turn some away' comment- an acknowledging of potential risk, if you will. This morning, when she posted what she did and how it turned out and asked for opinions, she was met with more negative responses along the 'You shouldn't do that, it's not a good idea, people don't like to have to jump through hoops' line. I don't understand why this stuff wasn't posted when she said that she was considering doing it! They might have saved her some trouble- instead, she has to read how it shouldn't have been done in the first place.

Too often, we are afraid of being burnt to a crisp because we don't agree with the majority. This fear of being flamed has affected the effectiveness of discussion lists and messages to a point where people are actually waiting for two or three braver (or naive) souls to post a response before they post their response. We shouldn't have to worry about being flamed for our (non-offensive) opinions. We should be able to disagree with each other and not feel that we are flaming or being flamed. On some lists and message boards, nothing is lost with this fear- those are the 'fun' lists and message boards. On a true discussion list, where the point is to learn from each other, this fear can be detrimental to the purpose- it can make the group useless. If I ask for opinions- I want honest answers.

The internet has created a level of anonymity that many people enjoy- while opening us up to not only new ideas, but hurtful comments. We don't like to think that not everyone lives inside our little bubbles of experience. When someone bursts our bubble, we feel that because of the anonymity that we can 'correct' this person's opinion. Yet, when someone does this to us, we are being 'flamed' and are even more offended. So- we stop posting our opinions, in fear that someone's bubble will burst and we'll be roasted, toasted, and burnt to a crisp.


Random Thoughts

I don't do this all that often (except to gush about my favorite designers- both of whom are really awesome people), but I'm going to do it now.

If you haven't done it yet- go check out The Digi Chick. Need more convincing? Check this out...

My boys, being silly. Posted by Hello

Click on the layout for a larger view. I went on a shopping spree this weekend. I bought kits and paper packs and I'm just in digital heaven over here. One of my absolute favorite purchases was the paper pack that I used to make this layout. I love the colors! The paper pack is the Grandma paper pack by Holly McCaig (aka: the Digi Chick). Ok- enough being ultra-gushy. Moving on...

It's Prom season around here. You have to see this dress! My sister in law looks awesome in it.

My sister in law in her prom dress. Posted by Hello

Layouts don't have to be complicated. The real star of this layout is my sister in law- not the elements and papers used. Sometimes, you just have to opt for simple. Nothing flashy, nothing fancy- just a nice, clean background with simple accents. The font in the title of this layout is Plumero Script (love it).

I'm participating in a layout challenge for a private board this month. Last month- I sucked. Didn't even come close to reaching my goal. So far this month, I'm doing pretty good. Unfortunately, the challenge is for a primarily paper scrapping board. I know that I won't have as many points as the other ladies participating, because most of the points are based on things that I don't use like corner rounders and Basic Grey. Doesn't stop me from participating.

This challenge has me considering starting up one of my own over at Pages of the Heart. It's fun- and you get to show off your stuff. I'm actually kinda happy about the idea- I've been drawing complete blanks on how to get my team motivated and involved, but in the last two weeks, I've managed to come up with not only one idea, but two (and the second idea would be great for site members as well- get everyone involved). I'll have to think about this one some more, work out the details...


One Woman's Treasure...

I don't understand why some people think that they can tell someone else what pictures to scrap and what to do with them. Why does it matter? Just because *you* wouldn't scrap something, does not mean that it's 'wrong' for someone else to scrap it.

We focus too much on 'the happy' parts of our lives. If our scrapbooks are supposed to be windows to our lives, showing those that come after who we were and what we've done, then by scrapping only the happy moments, we are ignoring those things that make us who we are- we are giving our ancestors and incorrect picture. Oh sure, it's easy to pretend to be all 'happy, happy, joy, joy', but at some point in our lives, we have to face divorce, illness, and death.

Scrapbooking is theraputic- we hear it all the time. It helps us heal to scrap about loved ones lost. There's a non-profit organization out there that accepts donations of scrapbooking supplies, and then turns around and gives them to children who are terminally ill. They scrapbook their lives, and their journey through the medical system. It helps them cope with the needles, the medicines, the illness itself. I'd hate to think that someone would look at those layouts- or the layouts created by the mother a child who was stillborn, or who miscarried, or who died a tragic death- and think 'why would anyone want to scrap that? who would want to remember that?'

Get over yourselves and thank your lucky stars that you are not in that situation.

Oh, the shame... Posted by Hello

On the flip side, there are those who think that you shouldn't create layouts about partying or dirty diapers with a penny sitting in them or accidental pregnancies. They would rather that everyone either gloss over those parts of their lives- or not post them for all to see. There is only one answer for those that complain- it's my life, my scrapbook, and I'll put what I want in it. If you don't want to know about it, then close the window and move on.

Finally- if something bothers you that much, then don't post a 'please validate me' thread on a message board. Instead, take your complaint to the person that runs the site- let them decide what is appropriate for their site. Don't leave nasty comments- if you wouldn't want them on your layout, then assume that the person posting doesn't want them on their layouts.


If I Had $1000...

If I had $1000...
  1. I'd buy a laptop so that I could become the true Queen of Multitasking. I'd cook dinner... while creating layouts. I'd watch CSI... while creating layouts. I'd create layouts on my laptop while creating layouts on my desktop.
  2. I'd buy a the best digital camera that I could get for $1000.
  3. I'd hire a cleaning lady.
  4. I'd purchase every single kit made by Holly McCaig and Michelle Underwood.
  5. I'd have Holly and Michelle create some custom kits for me.
  6. I'd buy a Coach.
  7. I'd buy as many pairs of shoes as I could get for $1000.
  8. I'd take it all and just blow it in one day for the hell of it.