
Yeah , Not Happening

I'm fickle that way. I love how Wordpress logs the IP addresses of commenters, but the few that comment on my blog are all really nice. I don't need to know that information, so- I'm staying here. :D

Besides, it would mean having to change my blog addy with every site that has it and that just ain't happening.

In other news- I will be away from my computer on Monday. My sister is having a baby! And I get to babysit! And yes, I'm excited! They're inducing, so yes, I know that she's having the baby on Monday (or Tuesday- but I don't want to scare her with 24 hour labor... not that I even know what that feels like...). Really, if her labor and delivery is anything like Cody's (and we can hope), then this baby will arrive that evening. Otherwise, I might have to have a little talk with him.

Be warned- I'm a proud aunt with a digital camera. Expect pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yea...and did you tell them that it actually took me 43 hours to have that child? Maybe that's why he's turned out to be a brat :)