
Post Halloween Candy Hangover

We went, we got candy, we survived.

And now comes the real fun of Halloween- the arguing with Mommy over how much candy they can have on a daily basis. Oh joy.

I have a ton of candy- leftovers, as well as what the boys brought home. When I can get a minute alone, without the candy monsters, I'm going to get a picture of what is left of their haul.

I'm one of those moms that encourage the candy feast on Halloween night- because after that, the candy is being put up and they'll only get a few pieces a day, for as long as they remember we have it. And, of course, Mommy has been dipping into the treats (although, to be fair, the boys were more than willing to share the chocolate and the orange and black peanut butter things with me).

I tried to keep Cody's costume as gore-free as possible (but you have to have a little gore, he was a zombie, ya know). We saw some cute costumes last night- one little girl was a cowgirl, complete with horse (her legs were the horse's back legs), we saw some cats, some witches, a Dumbo, a really cool alien costume, and lots of vampires and ninjas.

We saw some cool pumpkins, as well. I didn't take my camera, otherwise I would have gotten a picture- but this one house had turned their pumpkins into black cats. They painted the pumpkins black, and glued felt cat ears to the tops. I am so doing that one next year. I also have an idea for headstones for the front yard- a house down the street just made theirs, and I'm pretty sure that I have some plywood in the garage that I can use to make headstones next year.

Today, I'm taking down our decorations and throwing our pumpkins away. I don't have any Thanksgiving stuff (although I might have some out in the garage), but I'm not going to look for that stuff until this weekend, and besides- whatever I have are indoor decorations. It looks like my house will be holiday decoration free until after Thanksgiving, when I can start putting out our Christmas stuff.

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