
Picture Monday

I finally uploaded every picture that was on my camera from the month of July (yeah, it was a lot). So, as I'm looking through them, I decided to post some of my favorites.

This is a horse that lives near my parents' house. It's kinda neat to see the variety of animals that end up on their property- we've seen deer, geese, ducks, a donkey, muskrats, etc.

You have to be prepared. The wagon is loaded with toys, he's wearing his life jacket, and he's got his sippy cup.

And no, there wasn't a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow. We checked.

Poor baby. :( There are stitches under that (I'll spare you the details). This is what happens when you fall hand first into a glass lantern.

Can you think of a better way to eat corn?

Evan wants to know why Grandma buys corndogs when she grows them fresh on the farm.

The one and only time that Uncle Bill will let Cody drive his speed boat...

He may only be 8, but he knows what the girls like.

Who are you, and what have you done with Cody?


Come back, she just wants to play!

Her first boat ride, and she had to make sure that I was following along behind. That, or she's trying to find her goose friends.

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