
Freedom of Discussion

I belong to only one scrapbooking 'discussion' list. Discussion being the operative word here. It seems like every single time someone tries to get a good discussion going, the mods stop it before it can get good.

Ok- moderators are GOOD things, don't get me wrong. If a discussion were to go downhill (like the one about ads and not participating in the group- that one got a little... nasty), they should step in and say 'ok, that's enough.' But, if a discussion is civil, and everyone is being respectful, the mods shouldn't say anything about it. This list recently had a discussion about scraplifting. It was civil. It was quiet. It was people sharing their thoughts in a polite, respectful way.

And this morning (or last night, I can't remember anymore), one of the mods sent out a message that the scraplifting discussion was closed. Why? What was disrespectful about the discussion? That we were all sharing our views on it? That we had the nerve to say that digital scrapbooking is more of a craft than part of the graphic design world?

But this isn't about scraplifting- it's about being able to discuss things. I don't think that I like where the list is going, and I'm tempted to just say screw it and leave. Which is really sad, because I was invited to join that list way back in the day, and for awhile there, I really did enjoy it. I still like the people on the list, I just don't like the 'discussion list without discussion' aspect of it.

In fact, I have to wonder about some of my message boards too. There's already one digital board that I won't even visit anymore, and I don't always remember to go check the other one out. I should- but unless things have changed, there really aren't any discussions going on there. I'm not talking about the 'what are your five favorite designers' or 'what are your favorite kits'- I'm talking really deep discussions, like this thread or this one over at Veggieville (btw- I use Veggieville as a term of endearment, and because I like the way that it sounds. I like 2peas, and visit there every single day). Sure, Veggieville gets it's share of 'favorite designer' and 'favorite kits' threads, but sprinkled throughout are these awesome threads that are actually talking about stuff. And they are, for the most part on the digital board, CIVIL. Yes, folks, scrappers can have civil discussions over hot button topics! :falling out of chair:

Seriously- that's what I look for in a board. A place where you have the light hearted, frivilous posts alongside the deep thought provoking ones with some controversy thrown in for good measure (I get my controversy from the NSBR board- I really don't see it on the digital board). I also look to see who the members are. I'll shamelessly admit that part of the fascination with Veggieville is the fact that I'm posting on the same board where some of my favorite designers post (let me just say now that when I saw that one of my favorite designers commented on not one, but two of my entries that I fell out of my chair? I swear, my neighbors must think that I'm completely insane. It's probably the jumping up and down screaming 'Holly commented! Holly commented!' Heh). Part of it is being able to open up a scrapbooking magazine and go 'I know her, and I know her, and I know her...' Yeah, I'm weird like that. But my husband loves me for it.

What was I talking about? Oh yeah- that 'discussion' list. After reading that message this morning, I couldn't help but think that the list was veering off in a direction that I don't want to go in. It's become more of a place to advertise and a place to go begging for comments. I think that I'm just going to leave that list- I spend more time deleting messages than I do actually reading them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you on being able to "discuss" - civilly! Been there and dealt with that on MMD! I respect other's opinions and even though I may mutter in my brain how dumb I think they are (hee hee) I would NEVER get heated and say that to them on a board! Hello - we all have opinions!

I LOVE reading your blog!!!!!! :-)