
Elephants And Boxers And Dancing Like Nobody Is Watching

Yesterday was Dylan's kindergarten spring music program. They had a zoo theme, since they are going to the zoo tomorrow (and Dylan is so excited about it).

This isn't the best picture, even after I played with it. I seriously hate taking pictures in the gym, the lighting is just terrible. Isn't he cute? He made the elephant mask in art class, and it turned out great.

After the program, we went back to his classroom for treats and to see his journal and the story that he wrote about his favorite cartoon (he chose Spongebob, of course).

Today, they are staying for lunch, to practice for next year. I feel for the teachers, though, because they have both AM and PM kids this morning (but at least they get the afternoon off, which they're probably going to enjoy).

Mother's Day weekend, we went to mil's for a cook out. They have this boxer statue in the backyard, and my kids view these statues as things to ride on. I snapped some picture of Evan riding the boxer, and they turned out great.

He was having fun on that dog.

I'm working on the slideshow for Dylan's birthday party, and I'm thinking that I should get some DVD-Rs and burn it and give it to the grandparents. I'm almost done with the pictures (need to add the elephant one), and then I'm going to add some video. I know that I'll add some of the ones from yesterday, but there's also a video of him dancing a few months ago, and I think that I have some of him on the four wheeler, as well.

I'm also thinking that these might become a birthday tradition.

And just because I think it's absolutely hilarious, this is one of the videos that will be on the DVD.


Charlize_C said...

that's a very cute kid you have there

PsiPsi said...

he is just a realy handsome boy! lovely pictures and how smart from you to take that video!

Michelle said...

cute pictures. the zoo sounds like fun.