
I'm Such A Girl

Today was a first for me.

Today, I got to buy bait. For the other girly girls out there, bait is worms. Slimy, squirmy, wiggly, worms. Worms in dirt. Worms in dirt in a small plastic container that is now sitting in my fridge.

So yes, friendly reader, I have a container of dirt and worms in my fridge.

Tomorrow is Cody's Cub Scout fishing derby. He got a new pole for the derby, new tackle, and a new water bottle. I'm planning on taking my book (Duma Key by Stephen King) and my camp chair and just relaxing while he fishes. The only fly in the ointment was Cody telling me that he doesn't know how to get fish off a hook (even though I know that he does), so I'm going to camp near a father and son team, and send him over to ask the dad to help, because Mommy does not touch fish.

See? I'm such a girl.

Tomorrow is also Dylan's 6th birthday, and he's not going to be home all day. He's going to the Cubs game, and looking forward to it so much. He's done nothing but talk about it since Cody went for his birthday. He's getting a tent. He wants a play house, but I'm not keen on spending a lot of money for something that he'll outgrow fairly quickly, so we opted for a tent. It will be a nice sized 'playhouse' for him, but we can pack it up and put it away and use it for actual camping later on. He's also getting Guitar Hero III for the Xbox 360. We chose this game for him, because he got this guitar for Christmas and he's pretty much carried it around the house on a regular basis. He's going to be the musical one, I can just tell.


Charla said...

I might be able to touch the fish, but there's no way I could put the worm on the hook. *EWWWWW* I think bringing a book sounds like a good way to do it! :)

Amy Eileen said...

LOL You are such a girl!! I remember when I was a little girl I use to make my brothers do my dirty work UNTIL one day my brother threw my fish back in the water because mine was bigger then his. I got over my girly nature that day. ;) Good luck with the fishing! Happy birthday to your little man!

Unknown said...

Yeuchhh! Gross! No thank you!

movefearlessly said...

your post had me ROLLING! i'm right there with you - i don't touch fish either! get ready for a lot of noise - Guitar Hero drives me crazy!