
Layers (Because I'm Bored)

LAYER ONE: On the Outside

Name - Tracey

Nicknames - Mommy- otherwise, I don't really have any.

Birthday - April 25th 1978

Birthplace - Morris Illinois

Eye Color - Green

Hair Color - Brown

Height - 5'6

Righty or Lefty - Righty

Religion - born and raised Evangelical Lutheran

Sex - Female

LAYER TWO: In The Inside

Your heritage - Scotch, some German, Native American

Who do you look like - I'm a carbon copy of my mom. Seriously- we have pictures to prove it. Oh, except that I didn't get her ultra cool two colored eyes (she has one hazel and one green- I got her green eye, lol)

Your weakness - I smoke.

Your fears - spiders and cobwebs (and I'm totally serious about cobwebs)

Your perfect pizza - BBQ Chicken

Goal you'd like to achieve - Living comfortably with my own business

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Your most over-used phrase on MSN/Hello - lol

Your thoughts first waking up - either: 'Go back to sleep Cody/Dylan/Evan' or 'Why the hell aren't the boys awake yet?'

Your best physical feature - My hair and my nose.

Your bedtime - lately- between midnight and 1

Your most missed memory - spending Friday nights at my great-grandmother's house

LAYER FOUR: Your pick

Pepsi or Coke - Dr Pepper

McDonalds or Burger King - Burger King

Single or Group Dates - Single

Adidas or Nike - Nike

Chocolate or vanilla - Chocolate

Cappuccino or Coffee - Cappuccino


Smoke - yes

Curse - yep

Sing - only when I'm alone, lol

Think you've been in love - yes

Want to get married - been there, done that, have the husband to prove it

Believe in yourself - Yeah, I do

Motion sickness - nope

Think you're attractive - In some respects

Think you're a health freak - not even close

Get along with your parents - yep

Like thunderstorms - yep

Play an instrument - not really- I played the clarinet in 5th grade, and the piano in junior high, but haven't played an instrument since.

LAYER SIX: Have you ever

Smoked - Yes

Done a drug - no

Gone to the mall - yep

Eaten and entire box of Oreos - I plead the 5th on this one

Eaten sushi - nope

Been on stage - Yes

Gone skating - ice- no, roller- yes

Gone skinny dipping - no

Stolen anything - Yes

Played a game that required removal of clothing - I plead the 5th on this one as well

Been caught 'doing something' - yes

Been called a tease - Yeah

Gotten beat up - nope

Shoplifted - Yes

LAYER SEVEN: Getting Older

Age you hope to be married - I was 21 when I got married

Number and names of children - 3 boys- Cody, Dylan and Evan

Describe your dream wedding - don't really have a 'dream wedding'

How do you want to die - Peacefully in my sleep - with no pain.

What do you want to be when you grow up - I don't want to grow up

What country would you most like to visit - England

LAYER NINE: In a partner

Best eye color - Hazel

Best hair color - Blonde

Short or long hair - either really short (almost bald) or really long

Height - no preference (duh- since Mike is shorter than I am, lol)

Best articles of clothing - I like how a man's ass looks in khakis....

LAYER TEN: In the numbers

Number of drugs taken illegally - zip, zero, zilch. I am such a 'good' girl *halo*

Number of CDs that you own - I'm not about to count them.

Number of piercings - five- three in one ear, two in the other.

Number of tattoos - none

Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper - nothing recently, but at least twice a year when I was in high school.

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