
2Peas Blog Challenge

Ten memories from school.. Linky poo

  1. Being a soda machine in a play in 4th grade. It was a play about healthy eating. The pop machines were guards, and we wore cardboard boxes. Oh- and the play was loosely based on Star Wars.

  2. Early morning (7am) marching band and flag team practices.

  3. 42 rolls of toilet paper on a teacher's house. We had this planned. We painted a sign in his class, dressed in black from head to toe, then road tripped to his house. We left the sign on his back porch- he knew that we were there and who did it.

  4. Coming to school the following Monday morning and being there as one of the people in our group opened her locker to find it stuffed full of those Styrofoam packing peanuts as revenge for her part in the TPing.

  5. Duct tape, blindfolds, war paint, and lock ins.

  6. Burning the midnight oil and pen throwing- both essential parts of the drama department. And who could forget 'Sinatra loves you baby' and trying to get senior discounts based on stage makeup? Or wearing a friend's bathrobe on stage, where the audience (including your parents) are supposed to assume that you are *gasp* naked underneath?

  7. Having to have *the* perfect dress and not wanting to have the same dress as anyone else at prom.

  8. Deciding that it was too hot in the gym for mittens, a scarf, and a hat, walking up to the teacher's piano in the middle of the Christmas pageant to put them down before heading to the microphone to say my lines (I was in 1st or 2nd grade at the time- the play was Frosty the Snowman).

  9. Playing haunted house in the tires on the playground.

  10. One classmate brought kringlas to an art class fieldtrip during our freshmen year. After that- his mom had to make them for every art class field trip, all four years. The few times that she couldn't make them, he didn't quite live it down.

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