
Banging Heads Against Brick Walls Isn't Good For Your Health

I stumbled across a rather... interesting thread at Veggieville today. All about illegal file sharing.

First off- yes, it does happen. Just because it does happen doesn't make it right. It doesn't mean that we can't be outraged about it. It doesn't mean that we should just look the other way because people are going to do it anyway.

If we don't take the time to educate people that {pay attention, this is an important point} STEALING IS WRONG AND SHARING PURCHASED KITS IS STEALING, then we can't say that we're doing anything to prevent this theft.

Normally, I read the threads, nod my head, maybe utter a few 'damn straight' while reading. Usually by the time I get to a thread, someone (or more likely, fifteen people) have already said what I wanted to say and I really don't care for the 'me too!' and 'What she said!' posts, so I just read and keep quiet.

Today- I debated posting. Seriously debated it, even had the post all typed up and ready to go. But then I chickened out. It came across as flammatory and I really didn't want anyone to think that I was flaming them. So- here it is!

Dear Customer and Potential File Sharer:

I love you, I really do. Many times, you have helped me feed my kids, pay my electric bill, and purchase more kits to add to my ever growing collection.

But I do not care who your friends are. I do not care that you only shared the kit of mine that your purchased because your friend is 'new' to digital scrapbooking, and therefore- not willing to waste money on a hobby that she may not like. I don't care if you are trying to teach someone a technique.

If it's not given as a gift (meaning that you do NOT keep the files on your computer or purchase the kit twice), then I don't want your excuses. I want you to stop sharing my files (and those of any other designer out there whose files you might have shared). I would like an apology, but know better than to expect one from a thief.

Oh. That was a little harsh, now wasn't it? Yep. Sure was. And, unfortunately, THE TRUTH. You are taking money out of my pocket. End of story.

I think what really bothers me about this is that people really think it's ok to share with their friends. And that they think the above excuses will make me think 'oh, well then, that's ok, now isn't it?' Well- the truth is, it won't. And I don't know any designer whose mind would be changed if faced with those reasons.

With all the freebies about there- there is no reason to share a kit with a friend. You want to be a good friend- then point her in the direction of freebies. Don't turn her into an accomplice.

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