
Showing Off

Yep- I'm in a showing off mood today. I just finished these two kits in the last two days.

Tracey Lee's Fall Harvest kit is the one that I finished yesterday. I like the colors in this one, as well as the patterns. It will soon be available at POTH DSS (once I get the time to upload it).

Fall is literally right around the corner. How freaky is that? It's so hard to believe that we are moving past the beach layouts and summer cookouts and heading for raking leaves and pumpkin pictures already. It feels like summer just started!

I find it interesting that how our color schemes change with the seasons. You don't see many red/orange/gold color schemes during the summer. They are already starting to pop up in the stores. And just think- in another month or two, we'll have a ton of blue/silver and red/green kits in the stores, what with the holidays (eek! Christmas! I don't even want to think about that yet!).

I can't let go of the bright colors just yet- even if I have to mute them by distressing the papers a bit. That's how I came up with my Pumpkin kit. The colors are still bright- but they're muted a bit. I think that is what I really love about this kit- I can't wait to use it myself (hopefully I'll get time this weekend). I think that what I really like is the stapled ribbons. Man- I'm loving that Warp tool in PSCS2!

Another neat element that I've included in both kits is the Pop Top ribbon slide. I saw someone use one of those on a layout and thought 'How cool is that!' I just had to make some, for myself. Plus- I haven't really seen them on digital kits yet. Yeah, here I am, hoping to start a new digital trend. Either that, or I'm completely blind and just haven't been looking at the right digital layouts.

I have another kit in the works that I'm hoping to finish this weekend- it's working title is Witching Hour. Yep- I'm working on Halloween stuff already! This kit will include a lot of purples and blues. It's about all I can do to concentrate on packing and not start working on that kit.

I do have one layout to share with you all. It's called 'Butterflies'. I used a kit from the Shabby Princess, I can't remember the name off the top of my head, but I believe it might have had Citrus in the name? I wanted something with really cool patterns, and in oranges and yellows to accentuate the bright yellow butterflies in the photos.

My parents own an eight acre, non-working farm. They have a ton of butterflies, every year. There's only one spot in the driveway that gets puddles, and after a rain and until the puddle dries up, you will see hundreds of these butterflies just sitting there. Walking through them is neat- because all the butterflies take to the air and you are surrounded by them.

I wanted something simple for this layout- the story isn't all that important, but the butterflies themselves are. I love butterflies. I'm hoping to turn the garden in the front yard into a butterfly garden next spring or the spring after.

Oh- and what's up with me and why I haven't been posting as often. First reason- nothing to rant about. Second reason- we're moving. This morning, Mike dropped a bombshell- he wants us to be in the new house before he goes back to work on the 20th! There's so much work that needs to be done here as well as at the house- bedrooms need to be gutted and rewired, we need to paint, pack all of our stuff... Oh, it's just a mess! I took the time to sit back and work on those kits simply because I needed a break. I hope to be able to start posting more once we're in the house and settled.

1 comment:

Trish said...

AWESOME looking kits! And I love that butterfly LO!