
Delightfully Sinful

I made a healthy supper last night- chicken cilantro and cucumber wraps. With fresh cucumber (I love fresh cucumber). Very good, and- amazingly- very filling. Then I went and ruined my nice healthy supper with these.

S'mores Dessert Squares from the Kraft website. Holy cow are they good! My dad will love this recipe. He believes that the only way to eat pudding is with Nilla Wafers. I agree (my mom thinks that we're both nuts). The toasted marshmallows, imho, are the best part of this dessert. I'm going to be making this for the Memorial Day cook out at my parents' place- two batches of it, because it didn't last long in our house.

Yesterday was a long, busy day for me. We went grocery shopping, and stocked up. It feels good to actually have food in this house again! Then- Mike took Cody and Dylan to the fish store to buy new fish for his fish tank. Now we have the 'I'm obnoxious' fish from Finding Nemo and a Snowflake Eel to go with the clownfish and gromma and starfish that we already have. Finally- Dylan and I took Rosie out to my parents' place to meet the dogs and see how they get along, as well as to do some laundry.

Yeah, it didn't go over too well. Poor Rosie- she's terrified of Wilson. They weren't hurting her, just barking at her and it scared her. Not sure if I'll bring her out on Sunday or not. Dad's building a pen for Asia and Pepper, and Wilson will be in the house, so I might just bring her out, anyway. Rosie will have to be tied up (I don't want her catching a scent and taking off).

We bought Dylan new shoes yesterday. We are now on our third pair of the exact same Thomas the Train shoes. He's so cute- he wore his shoes to bed, then slept with them beside him. As soon as he woke up this morning, he put them on.

There was something else that I was going to say, but I've only had one cup of coffee this morning and am still a little fuzzy. Oh, yeah- tomorrow is Cody's last day of school! Today is the End of Year party for the kindergarten classes, and Cody's looking forward to it. He's looking forward to summer, too. I'm looking forward to summer. I'm weird like that, I guess.


Anonymous said...

Hey Tracey
I can't wait for summer too! I love spending the whole summer with my daughter. Always have! She still has to go until next Wednesday (31st). Then we are moving and there's a pool in the town. Guess where we will be!
I got a kick out of your son and the peeing standing up story! ROFL!!

Anonymous said...

ooh they look and sound yummy!