

Happy Halloween!

God- how I love love love LOVE Halloween. The costumes. The spooky stuff. The candy. Oh yeah- chocolate, chocolate, and more CHOCOLATE.

I did take my little goblins out trick or treating tonight, and they had a blast.
First up, we have Lord Vader himself. Cody is going through a Star Wars phase. Or rather- a Dark Side phase. He actually told me the other day that he only likes the Star Wars with Darth Vader in it. He saw a Darth Vader sleeping bag online and said 'Oh man, oh man, oh man- I have to have that!' So, of course, a Vader costume was a must this year.

His friends thought that it was the coolest costume- and they even asked where his light saber was (at home- the whole 'no weapons at school' rule, ya know). The light saber lights up, so we made him carry it while trick or treating. That's the only problem with the all black costume- it's so hard to see him, especially since he kept taking off and running for the next house.

I'm kinda surprised- it rained here, so we only did two blocks instead of our usual three or four, and Cody didn't complain when we said that it was time to head back. He did complain when I made him put his candy away for the night, however.

Ah- Clifford. I love Clifford. Clifford is cute. Clifford is big. Clifford is red. I'm not all that fond of the hat on this costume, but we dealt with it. Out of all three, Evan seemed to have the most fun of all.

I also realized that I just might be raising a spoiled brat. That little light bulb lit up right around the fourth house, when Evan screamed at his brother. I think it was his 'get out of my way, road hog' scream, but I can't be positive. His 'get out of my way' scream sounds a lot like his 'I'm so happy, I could just die' scream.

It didn't take Evan long to catch on to the whole Halloween concept. He had it all figured out before we even left home. Well- sorta. He knew that if you said trick or treat, you get candy. He walked around the house repeating 'tih tee'. It was the only time that he said it all night- after that, it was more along the lines of 'Candy!' and 'Mine!'

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea... Dylan has been my problem child. Oh- not tonight. Tonight, he was good. He didn't yell or scream, he didn't wander a mile up ahead, he stayed with us and remembered to say 'thank you' when we left.

But the weeks before Halloween? He wanted to be a ghost. Insisted on it. Had me make him a ghost costume and everything. The week before Halloween, he comes up to me and says (all determined like) 'I no wan be ghost.' *Sigh* I had to find him another costume to wear.

I tried Mickey Mouse. No go. He wanted to be Clifford. He insisted on it, no matter how many time I told him that he wouldn't fit the costume. While packing up at the apartment, I came across Cody's old Spongebob costume. Well- part of it. There are some black shoe covers somewhere, but I couldn't find those (nevermind that I've been washing the darn things every two weeks for the past two freaking years even though they haven't been worn since 2003). I only had the Spongebob top, which is enough to satisfy a three year old.

After we found Spongebob, he got into it. I mean- he really got into it. We have a stuffed Gary doll, and Dylan's been attached to him for the past two weeks. Dylan told me that Gary was going to be a pumpkin for halloween and he was going to be Spongebob. I'm glad that it was raining today and I could get away with telling him that Gary doesn't like water, otherwise I probably would have spent today trying to find something orange so that I could make Gary a pumpkin costume (the things that we'll do for our children).

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