
7 In 7: Day Five

A Weekend In Paris Posted by Hello

Not a layout tonight, but an ATC (artist trading card). This is my first, so I'm not too sure about it. But it was fun to do. Vintage ads were downloaded from the internet, brushes are from Annika Van Holdt, font is Virginia Antique, the charm is from Rhonna Farrer, and the page kit is from today's favorite designer... Stacy Carlson.

I'm a horrible collector of digital kits. I collect and collect and collect- and find myself returning to only a couple of designers. I had to think about today's designer, simply because I'm running out of those that I actually use on a regular basis. I chose Stacy, not only for her kits, but for her demeanor. I'm big on how a person acts in the public eye (read the RESPECT entries- they pretty much sum up my feelings on the issue), and I've never found Stacy to be disrespectful of anything or anyone. I love it when I come across a designer who not only shows care in regards to her work, but also shows care in regards to how she treats not just her customers, but potential customers as well.

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