
The End Of The First Year

Five days ago, I passed my one year anniversary of being a SAHM. Today, while reading at another site, someone posted this want ad.

Let me just say that I'm jealous. Because number one- there's no way in hell my husband would allow me to hire a sitter for three days a week just so that I could have a 'break', especially if I'm going to be home. And number two- this guy is getting a break. An almost guaranteed break.

I woke up this morning to snow. Yes- snow. It's not sticking, it's just flying around out there- but still. It's snow. Yesterday, it's in the 50s all day, the day before I think we actually hit 70. Today? It's 30.

In the year since I became a SAHM, I have rediscovered childhood loves. Like snow. No longer is snow something that I worry about- no longer do I dread winter, because 'snow' means 'idiot drivers in SUVs who think that just because they have four wheel drive that everyone else on the road does as well.' Now- snow is something fun. It's for playing. It changes the world into this magical place. I even find myself a little bit sad this morning- because the snow isn't sticking. No watching the world turn into this magical white wonderland- just snow flying around, being blown by the wind.

Another childhood love- rainy days. Instead of rushing around, trying to find my umbrella, worrying about parking in the muddy spot in the driveway (and taking along a second pair of shoes), making sure that I have enough time to dry once I get to work... I can sit on the couch, all cozy like, with a cup of coffee and a good book.

Another childhood love- the after school snack. When I worked, the snack was 'on the go', as I drove the boys to their grandmother's house. They ate it in the car, instead of at the dining room table. The talk after school was more along the lines of 'be good for your grandmother' and 'don't lose your socks, you know that your father always forgets to grab them when he picks you up.' Now, we can sit and chat. After school snack isn't rushed- it's us, chatting about what happened at school, what happened at home, what we're having for supper.

This year has seen so many changes. My fil has moved out (hallelujah). We've moved into an actual house. My grandfather passed away. I've discovered that I'm pretty resourceful when it comes to keeping three boys busy. Cody is learning to read. Evan is one smart cookie- he already knows his shapes. I've discovered that I really enjoy doing laundry. Oh- and I love watching Corneil and Bernie.

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