
Have You Seen This?

Best and Brightest

How cool is that? I'm planning on entering- already have assignment one done, and am working on assignment two. That's a hard one for me- as much as I love to manipulate photos, I've found myself staying away from it with my scrapping (other than changing color photos to black and white). I have an idea for this, but am currently looking for a kit to use with it.

Assignment three is going to be fun- all those fun little things that digital scrappers like to do in one assignment.

Did you see the inspiration for assignment five? Wow. Just- wow. I love the pieces that they've chosen for this and it's going to be so freaking hard to choose which one I want to do.

I've toyed around with the idea of entering HOF and other things like that before. But the thought of having to print everything and get it all ready has been keeping me from entering. I really think that this one is right up my alley, so to speak.

Other non scrapping related stuff:

Cody told me the other day that when he's in first grade, he'll be able to drive. Poor kid- he looked so forlorn when I told him that no, he won't be driving when he's six- he'll have to wait another ten years before that happens.

Cody didn't believe me when I told him that Santa does go shopping. He told me (all smug like) that the elves made all the toys. My response? The elves do make most of the toys, but come November, they are usually behind, because there are soooo many good little boys and girls in the world that they just can't keep up. So- Santa has to go shopping. But whenever he goes, he's always surrounded by kids telling him what they want. It's why we see Santa in stores and shopping malls at Christmas time- he's not there to find out what the kids want, he's there to shop for gifts. Now- just wait. Cody will ask Santa if he's there to buy gifts when we take the kids to see him.

He's growing up so fast. He loves to help me make the beds. Which is a good thing, because I need his help. With two sets of bunk beds, they aren't easy to make. So- he helps. He gets up on the top bunk and helps straighten the blankets and sheets out. He asks me every morning if I'm ready to make the beds. I just wish he'd ask me every day if he could pick up his toys...

I found yet another use for Photoshop. Evan is such a smart kid- he knows his shapes. When I'm working, and he wants to sit on my lap, I'll open up a new image and using the shape tool, draw shapes. We can spend hours pointing out the different shapes. Stars, circles and squares- he knows them all. Makes working rather interesting- he'll stand there beside me, shouting 'tar, mommy! mommy! tar!' Or 'kurkle! kurkle!' (translation: tar=star, kurkle=circle)

It's now November 14th- it's been two weeks since Halloween. And Dylan is still wearing his Spongebob costume. I woke up this morning to one child in a pair of jeans (Cody), one in a pull up (Evan), and one wearing a pull up and his Spongebob costume.

Random thought- my house smells like apples. Yummy! I bought a candle from an online company a few months ago, and they sent some sample break apart tarts for me to try. I burned the candle a long time ago (it was yummy, too), and while cleaning off my desk yesterday, I came across the tarts. Yesterday- the house smelled Creme de le Creme (yummy- but the scent didn't travel as well as the apples), today- baked apple crisp. I must- MUST- buy more of these tarts. And a warmer. Right now, they're in an old saucepan on the stove. But still- yummy.

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