
Portrait of a Six Year Old

I should have done this yesterday, but everyone was sick yesterday and I just didn't feel like it. I haven't taken pictures of him (note to self: do that today) so that I can make a layout.

Anyway- yesterday was Cody's 6th birthday. I can't believe that he's six! He's a kindergartener now, he loves to play computer games (he even got a monster truck game of his own for his birthday), he's even starting to read and do simple math (addition and subtraction- which he calls 'plussing' and 'minusing'). He's silly, and popular (why didn't anyone tell me that popularity starts in kindergarten???), and 'hates' girls.

This week is a week of milestones. Besides Cody's birthday, Dylan has finally decided, with the help of 'suckers', that he's ready to potty train. He's used it a few times between last night and today, and tells me that tomorrow he'll wear actual underwear. Because Dylan has decided this- Evan has also decided that he's going to potty train. I'm not sure if it's just because he's ready or if it's because he sees that Dylan gets a Dum Dum every time he uses the potty.

I'm so excited- even having just one kid in pull ups will be so much easier on me (and my pocketbook).

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