
Searches, What Did You Do With Your Two Front Teeth?, and Kitties

I sometimes forget that I have my Statcounter on this site. Oh- I know that it's there (because I check it to see where I'm at, visitor wise), but I forget that I can go to the site and see where people are coming from. Lots of posts from the message boards that I frequent (there are many peas who visit- seems like all I do is post to a thread and I get at least one hit, lol), some from other blogs where I'm linked, but my absolute favorites are the searches.

Currently on the list of 'Someone Searched For This And Found Me' are:
  • Digital Dream Girls. Do I even want to know what this person was looking for? Probably not...
  • I'll Be Dreaming Of You Tonight. A song, I think.
  • Cabana Boy Pictures. Ya know, I talk about Juan the Cabana Boy once...
  • Kelly Clarkson Song With The Word Meemaw. Odd- I mention Kelly Clarkson and Meemaw, but I didn't think that I did it in the same post...
  • Stretchy Watch Bands. If I hadn't have mentioned watches in a recent post, I'm pretty sure that I'd have been having a WTF moment with that one...
  • Digital Scrapbook Gifts/Freebies. Two different searches, but these searches pretty much mean that people who are interested in my hobby are finding my blog, which means that it should be relatively easy for other people interested in the hobby to find it.
Val wanted people to post this on their blogs- so here goes. Two Front Teeth For Sale. The proceeds are for a good cause- a church is fundraisin for a mission trip to Bangladesh. And- if you aren't interested in buying a child's front teeth (although, you have to admit, it's kinda cute), there's Val's A Tiny Seed kit over at The Digi Chick. So- two front teeth or a really cool kit (which is on my TO BUY list, by the way).

What else was I going to ramble about? Oh yeah- kitties! I am cat sitting this weekend. Sil went to visit her uncle, and I'm taking care of her cats. Yay me! I had Tangerine (formerly known as Oliver) out for a few hours this evening while I watched my shows. At one point, Tangerine is sitting on my lap, watching the ceiling fan go around (so cute!), and he spent some time playing with my fingers and chewing on my shirt. Mike came into the living room and said that I must really like that cat... I'm taking that as a sign that I'm wearing him down on the cat issue. I don't think that Mike would be happy to know that I've named this cat- something about attachment and how I might actually cry if he doesn't let me keep this totally adorable kitty.

I added a slide show of my recent layouts. I think that it's pretty sad that my recent layouts go back to November. *Sigh* I really need to do more layouts. Maybe this weekend...

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