
Beautiful Day

I'm loving this. It's bright and sunny, and 70 degrees outside right now. All of my windows are open, I'm wearing capris and sandals, and I'm planning on doing some yard work this afternoon.

I noticed last week that my tulips are up. Not blooming, yet, but the leaves are up and it's very noticable that there are tulips coming up. I love spring. I love looking out my dining room window and seeing budding leaves on the lilac bush planted tere, or the bright yellow new leaves on the bush in front of the picture window in the living room. Because it has been so nice out, I haven't wanted to stay inside and do anything. But I have to- I have to get my house cleaned before I even consider going out to do anything in the yard.

I have one new kit releasing tomorrow- Looking Back. This has to be one of my favorite kits to make so far.

I really need to work on more kits- but it's been so nice outside! If I'm going to make my goal for this month, I need to get my butt in gear and get something done.

My birthday is this month. I want to do something for it- but not sure what. I've considered a sale- but not sure if that's what I want to do just yet. But- speaking of my birthday, guess what my sexy, amazingly handsome, simply wonderful husband bought me for my birthday? A 4gig iPod Nano!

Yes- I'm getting an iPod for my birthday! Woohoo! He surprised me with it- he needed to new mouse for his computer (his cordless optical mouse went for a swim in a five gallon bucket of saltwater last week- don't ask), and he said 'here, I ordered these today' while handing me the invoices. I looked at the top one- a new mouse, plus a new monitor for his computer. Okay, thanks for telling me. Then I looked at the second page.

It was an invoice for the iPod. I looked at him, and said 'you ordered an iPod?' I figured that it was for his drive to work- he could plug it in to his car stereo. He said 'no, that's for you.' I jumped up and kissed him, and did my 'happy happy joy joy' dance. Now I have two to four weeks of stalking the UPS guy until it gets here. Yay!

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